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Yoga has amazing benefits in today’s busy lifestyle. Learn more about yoga and get benefitted from it.

  1. You could reduce your risk of heart disease

We all want to live long days. so, taking care of heart health is more important than anything. The American Heart Association found that high blood pressures, heart attack, and diabetes are drastically more common in younger people -particularly women. Interestingly enough, yoga can save you from this life-threatening situation. Also, the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology established the fact that practicing yoga could work just as much as conventional exercise like brisk walking. Overall it was discovered that those who practiced lowered their blood pressure by five points and decreased their levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol by 12 points.

  1. You may aware of your negative thoughts

It’s said that what you think and act regularly affects your mood and makes your day. So, it is important to give yourself a safe place where you don’t feel criticized and can be in tune with your thoughts. In yoga, you can set intentions at the beginning of the class and focus on the present moment. As a result, you are aware of negative thought patterns as they arrive. Practice controlled breathing and mindful movement, it can help to decrease your physiological stress that provokes negative thoughts. So you are awarded a positive attitude and outlook towards life.

  1. You could get rid of asthma symptoms

If you have asthma problems already you are taking your conventional care we know. Interestingly enough, the research found that yoga could be a great substitute treatment to help ease symptoms. A small study published in BMC Pulmonary Medicine8 found that 57 adults with mild to moderate asthma and discovered that those who practiced a yoga routine to their schedule for eight weeks exceptionally lessened their symptoms and needed to use medication less often. It is due to breathing practices that are kinked with yoga-often called pranayama.

  1. You could stress less and sleep better

Sleep, we always wish to get more of it, no matter how short-lived that concept seems. Yoga can help you exceptionally well in this matter. According to a recent national survey from the NCCIH, over 55 percent of yogis observe improved sleep. In addition to this,85 percent confirmed they were less stressed. Also, a psychiatrist in New York City, Marlynn Wei, informed Harvard Medical School that a lot of credit goes to breathing practices in yoga. It helps to relax and reduce tension after a crazy stressful day.

  1. You may increase your alpha brain waves

If you properly practice mindfulness components of yoga regularly, including mantra, deep breathing, and meditation techniques -you can increase your alpha brain waves according to Perz. If you repetitively practice these mind-body techniques, you can improve the brain’s architecture which improves your place of connection and creativity.

  1. You may aware of your negative thoughts

It’s said that what you think and act regularly affects your mood and makes your day. So, it is important to give yourself a safe place where you don’t feel criticized and can be in tune with your thoughts. In yoga, you can set intentions at the beginning of the class and focus on the present moment. As a result, you are aware of negative thought patterns as they arrive. Practice controlled breathing and mindful movement, it can help to decrease your physiological stress that provokes negative thoughts. So you are awarded a positive attitude and outlook towards life.

  1. You have better flexibility

Emilie Perz a yoga movement therapist and teacher in Los Angeles says that stress and anxiety can make your tissues tired, tight, and stuck. Yoga concentrates on whole-body improvement. It has a ton of postures that can be used to improve flexibility and build muscular strength. Emilie adds it also retains our deep connective tissue. So you can use the poses to release and lengthen these chronically tight regions. by consistently practicing you can get more flexibility on the outside as well as retain your body tissues held together.

  1. You may become slim without being hardcore

If you are in that category and think high-intensity yoga classes only contribute lose weight, it is time to retrain your brain. The American Journal Of Managed Care arranged a study and found some mysterious results. Researchers distribute a group of overweight women into two groups. One group is trained for regular restorative yoga classes and the other group is trained for stretching sessions. The whole training period lasted for 48 weeks. Those in the yoga group did not perform any hard-core postures or speedy flows, rather the classes focused instead on stress reduction. Poses were performed for long periods, measured breathing was emphasized, and meditative music was played.

With all that in mind, you would think weight loss would not be the actual goal. but magically this group lost drastically more subcutaneous fat than the stretching group did in the first six months. So it is proved that it is not always about going hardcore all the time.

  1. You could perform well at other workouts too

Listen. We are all human beings and always curious. We can’t focus only on one thing. You should know about running, football and all things you want to learn. Yoga is best because yoga can help you to perform well in these things. If you regularly practice yoga it gives deep connective tissues more adaptability and buoyancy. So our muscles become proactive. In Perz’s words, “This means practicing yoga daily may also help improve our performance in other exercise modalities.”

Wait please wait, it doesn’t mean now from today you have to double up your workouts all the time. You have to just arrange 1uick 10-minute flow in the morning to get this prime condition.

  1. You could lower chronic pain

Chronic pain is something that can not be dealt with. It can degrade your quality of life and even lead to depression also. But there is good news, yoga can be extremely beneficial even in solving this problem. Annals of Internal Medicine found that those who had chronic lower back pain informed better function and less pain after three months of weekly classes. Also, they were relieved to quit pain relievers after a year. You can give it a try, I confirm you will never regret it.


Hope you will now be ready to do yoga according to your problem. Please comment on how your yoga practice is going.


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