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You know what you eat has a direct reflection on how you look. If you are habituated to processed foods or those high in sugar and fat, you can be a victim of dull skin with other issues like dryness, oiliness, or dark-eye circles. We are here to say 6 solutions with the best ingredients for healthy skin.

1. If you have dark under-eye circles


Spinach Kale and collard greens These leafy greens contain higher levels of vitamin k. Vitamin k is famous for increasing coagulation and blood circulation. Another benefit of consuming spinach is it is loaded with zinc so it contributes to soothing inflammation and combating acne breakouts.

According to Simpson spinach, as well as collard greens and kale contains zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin is a naturally occurring antioxidant that guards skin and brightens black spots.

2. If you have wrinkles and fine lines


Salmon is already famous for its health benefits among nutritionists. It promotes good heart health and controls blood pressure. You will be amazed to know it contains omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely beneficial for the skin, according to dermatologist Joshua Zeichner. So apart from being good for heart health, those fatty acids also promote the production of collagen. You may know the term collagen. It is a protein that supports the skin foundation strong and wrinkle-free. Also, per The American Heart Association, it’s recommended to eat 3.5 ounces at least two times per week.

Egg whites

It is very important to have breakfast for your health and skin. If you want to make it healthy don’t forget to add egg whites. It has a high range of lysine and proline (amino acids), as well as collagen itself. According to Simpson, adding egg whites to your diet increases your body’s natural production of collagen to combat the fine lines. If you are veggies, do not worry, try peanuts are also a good substitute for lysine.


Maybe this protein-packed grain already conquers your kitchen but you are unaware of its benefits for your skin. It contains high levels of riboflavin that causes skin elasticity and the production of connective tissue. In addition to this, it also accelerates even things and makes fine lines and wrinkles look less prominent.

3. If you have dark spots

Citrus fruits

The reason for dark spots is extra pigment production due to UV exposure. Vitamin c is known to reduce inflammation, dark spots, and even your skin complexion. Citrus contains vitamin c. So it can surely help you in this matter. So from now on, you should focus on oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits to get a diamond-like glow.

Bell peppers

Not only citrus fruits, another option you can opt for to get full advantages of vitamin c.The name of the food is bell peppers. These veggies can brighten your skin and even out dark spots caused by the overproduction of pigmentation. But if you are not happy with this veggie, try cauliflower, berries, and broccoli. They also contain high levels of vitamin c and are great for a less-spicy snack.

4. If you have a dull complexion


If your skin needs an extra bit of glow in those Insta-pics, it’s time to spice things up in the kitchen. It contains great sources of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, and beneficial carotenoids like zeaxanthin. Take some sweet potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle paprika before roasting. You can try another thing like rubbing it on over chicken breast with cayenne and garlic powder.


Turmeric is a well-known spice. It fights against free radicals that are responsible for dulling your skin as it contains curcumin. It also accelerates collagen synthesis so it’s a great food for your healthy skin. If it is used topically, it can boost skin elasticity and renew the process by acting as a stimulator. If you religiously use it it can fight any wrinkles and fine lines. You can use it internally by blending it straight into a smoothie or sprinkling it in an egg scramble. You can enjoy the benefits of it without even noticing.

5. If you have dry skin


Avocados, you may be fascinated with their cute shape. Do you know about its skin function? It has high levels of healthy oils and vitamin E. Zeichner found It accelerates healthy skin cell production. It even improves barrier function and hydration.


If you are a Sardines lover, welcome to the healthy skin beauties. As a dry skin beauty, you may lack vitamin B12. As a result, you become vulnerable to dry, patchy skin. Sardines are fish packed with phosphorus, vitamin D, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids which play important roles in keeping your skin glowing and hydrated. It also accelerates the production of glutathione named an antioxidant that improves the skin barrier function. So what makes you stop to open a can now?

6. If you have oily skin

Sweet potatoes

We all know you want healthy skin but for that, you don’t need to go carb-free. Sweet potatoes contain high levels of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is known to decrease oil production in the skin so you can be free from the patch or greasy oiliness. It is also used to treat acne. If you are not up to sweet potatoes you can also use carrots. This is another solid vitamin A option according to Zeichner. Overdosing any of these supplements can be dangerous and causes bone pain, blurry vision, and dizziness.


Do you observe that your skin looks glowy in winter? You will be amazed to know that it is due to cinnamon in the season’s goodies. According to Simpson, this basic spice is great for accelerating circulation and blood flow so it brings oxygen and nutrients directly to the skin. In addition to this, some studies have found that cinnamon is great to stabilize and balance blood sugar levels. Simpson suggests mixing some cinnamon in your morning coffee or tea or blending some into a morning smoothie. Bless your skin with cinnamon.


Hope this top food gives you healthy skin if you religiously follow this solution.

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