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Yoga is the best form of exercise that can train your mind body and soul. There are so many poses that can be added to your daily regime to increase flexibility and balance of your body. The best way to tone your muscles is a 20-minute yoga workout with beginner yoga poses under a skilled teacher’s supervision. If you are a beginner in learning yoga, a yoga instructor will show you the right path that leads to improved endurance, a healthy body, and a fit mind. All the yoga asanas can be performed but with caution and proper invigilation. 

The names of yoga poses have been inspired by animals, natural elements, or some ancient sages. The yogis in ancient times have known the power of yoga and its energy. The main constituents of yoga poses are slow body movement and deep breathing which is capable to increase blood flow and warm up stiff muscles. It is the best exercise that improves the strength of the body.   

What are some basic yoga poses for beginners?

There are many yoga poses that can be performed while exercising at home or in the park. Regular practice of a yoga pose increases the physical balance of the body. It also helps to treat certain diseases like swelling, arthritis, or low blood count. The most important yoga poses for beginners are discussed in the next paragraph.  

  1. Mountain pose

It is an important yoga pose that is often taught at the beginning of a yoga session. it is a standing asana that is also called Tadasana in Sanskrit. It is important to cure many digestive problems and reduce obesity. Stand upright on the yoga mat and align your feet together. Put the hands on both sides of the body. One of the feet is lifted and touches another thigh. Both feet are a hip distance apart from each other. This asana helps in creating a good alignment between your legs and lengthens your spine. While doing mountain poses it is important to breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly.  

  1. Upward Facing Dog

It is one of the important yoga poses which helps to strengthen the spine. It improves blood circulation and cures indigestion, constipation, and innumerable gas disorders. It is also called Sarpasana or Bhujangasana in Sanskrit. On a yoga mat, lie down on your stomach and your legs stretched out. Put the weight of your body on your hands and lift your body so that your chest is raised. Put your head towards the backside. Continue this position for some time. Then release and lie down on your stomach again. 

  1. Vajrasana

The easiest asana among all the yoga poses is also a meditative asana. This can be performed after meals to improve digestion and reduce constipation. It enhances your memory to a lot of extents. On a yoga mat, one should kneel down with your knees, ankles as well as toes touching the ground. Then, stretch your toes backward and place your palms on your knees. Sit straight and follow deep breathing that is uniform and slow. Expand your chest forward and sit meditating for at least 3-4 minutes. 

What are some yoga poses for stress relief and relaxation?

 Some yoga poses are specially meant to ease stress and relax your mind and body. Yoga has simplicity, flexibility, and diversity that help to achieve a healthy and positive lifestyle. Some yoga asanas can treat hypertension, depression, and other lifestyle diseases if performed regularly. Here is some yoga poses that help to contribute to physical and mental development. 

  1. Trikonasana

It is a yoga pose that can be performed while standing on your feet. It is the best yoga exercise to improve mental and physical equilibrium. It reduces anxiety, stress, and back pain to a larger extent. On a yoga mat, one must stand your foot apart. First, raise the arm sideways so that they go up to shoulder level. Now bend your trunk sideways and raise the right hand high. Touch the ground with the left hand also touching the left foot. This yoga pose makes a triangle with your body. You can repeat the asana 4-6 times for good results. 

  1. Sukhasana

For people looking for their lost mental and physical balance, this is the best asana that doesn’t cause body strain or pain. It can calm your mind and enhance your mental peace. So forget about mental fatigue, stress, or anxiety with this yoga pose. On a mat sit down with the legs straight and stretched in front of your body. Then bend the right leg and place it under the left thigh and bend the left leg and place the foot under the right thigh. Place the hands resting on the knees. The head, neck, and back must be straight. It is the version of the lotus pose. Close your eyes and relax your mind for a better lifestyle. 

  1. Shavasana

If tough yoga asanas bother you, it is one of the easiest yoga poses that do not need any expert guidance. The benefits are numerous like relieving mental tension, controlling high BP, and strengthening the nervous system. It gives new vigor to your mind and your body. So, on a yoga mat lie down in a relaxed position with straight legs and arms away from the body. The limbs must be loose and all body organs must be relaxed. Breathe air deeply with closed eyes and think that your body organs are numb. Remain in this relaxed position for 10-12 minutes.


Yoga can help to maintain proper weight and limits the risk of contracting anonymous diseases. Pranayam, Vajrasana, Chakrasana, etc. have played important roles in curing various diseases. The procedures of many yoga poses are easy and can be learned from an expert in very less time. So, yoga has become a significant part of our day-to-day life as it can be performed at a yoga center or your home easily. 

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